Markets Served


Design accents, wall medallions, stair treads and supports, handrails, doors, and structural components from granite, stone, wood, metal, and acrylics.

Industrial Plate and Sheet Metal Fabrication

Custom structural components, perforated plates, fixtures, and brackets.

Energy and Oilfield

Wellhead support brackets, unique structural components, custom gaskets.


Signage, display fixtures, and more.

Floor Logos

Custom floor logos from VCT, quartz, stone, or metal.

Sign Making

Architectural signage, mixed media composite displays.


Metal and Foam Cutting

With Waterjet 5-axis cutting technology, DallasWaterjet can cut at virtually any angle and waterjets can cut steel with no heat effected zone. Waterjet versatility makes it possible to cost-effectively cut many materials not possible with traditional cutting technologies

Soft materials, such as rubber, cork, foam and synthetic elastomers are hard to cut in traditional ways, but waterjet cutting has few limits as to what can it can do. Waterjet versatility makes it possible to cost-effectively cut many materials not possible with traditional cutting technologies.

Infrared Cutting

This infrared image of Waterjet cutting demonstrates the ability of the waterjet process to cut any material into any shape with no heat affected zone or damage to the base material.